Strength Strike Stretch Agreement

The pursuit of fitness is inherently dangerous and may result in injury. I am responsible for my own health. I agree to notify Christine of any medical diagnoses, concerns, or desired modifications prior to my first training session, and to keep Sage Advice Wellness, LLC informed of any changes in my health status.

By signing this informed consent I agree to hold harmless Positive Force Movement LLC, Sage Advice Wellness LLC, its owners, employees and contractors from all professional and personal liability, negligence, or other legal liability. I agree to be responsible for all legal costs and fees that may result from action(s) on my part or on the part of my representative(s) against Positive Force Movement and/or Sage Advice Wellness. If a legal case is brought against Positive Force Movement or Sage Advice Wellness, I agree that Positive Force Movement and Sage Advice Wellness shall be judged by the standard principles of complementary/holistic/alternative/ functional medicine and not the standards and principles of consensus of conventional/allopathic medicine. I have the right to have this consent reviewed by my lawyer before accepting any services from the office and it is suggested that I exercise this right.

By purchasing this program you are acknowledging that you have read this entire agreement, understand all terms, verbiage (language) and concepts herein, and agree to proceed with care. You also affirm that you have discussed the services to be provided, the risks and benefits of said services, and the alternatives to these services, with Sage Advice Wellness and have had all of your questions answered to your satisfaction. By purchasing this program you agree that you have weighed the risks and benefits of proceeding with the services and have decided that it is in your best interest to obtain the services proposed.