Move to create the life you want.
Movement and you haven’t always been on the best terms.
Maybe you:
have bad memories from school PE or a bootcamp-style trainer
are in recovery for disordered eating and want to avoid the bodybuilding approach while you build strength and muscle
want to exercise to feel good, but have always used exercise just to manipulate your appearance and have no idea how NOT to do that
are coming back to movement after injury and nervous about doing too much, too soon
want to get the benefits of movement without feeling obsessive or guilty if you miss a workout
don’t feel like you fit in at the gym - you’re too fat, too queer, too sensitive, etc.
Fitness is not defined by how you look. When you consistently take action to improve your endurance, balance, agility, and strength, you become fit.
Not into “exercise”? No problem! Movement of any kind can improve your confidence and quality of life.
Our approach to movement is grounded in body autonomy. That means you are in charge at all times. We meet you wherever you are and help make movement more accessible for you. Shame does not exist in our vocabulary. You've already shown up, so let's get to work!
Each workout and program is based on your values and priorities, and designed to improve your stability, agility, cardiovascular health, balance, and strength.
Training is done through a size-inclusive, trauma-informed lens, and you have the ultimate authority in each session to support your needs.
When you invest time and effort into movement, you will find yourself pushing past goals you never thought you'd reach...goals like pain-less walking, pushups, deadlifts, improved flexibility, stamina for travel, and more. Choose what is important to you, and together we can make it happen!
What you get when you move with us.
The only things sure in life are death and taxes…and body change! When you move differently, your body responds. Your heart gets stronger, circulation and energy improves, strength and stamina increases, and your brain gets happier!
Our programming decentralizes aesthetic goals (including weight loss). Your appearance and weight may or may not change, because your body’s gonna do what it needs to do to adapt as you build strength and stamina.
There are thousands of coaches out there who promise weight loss. We’re not them - instead, we facilitate safe and effective movement regardless of weight change. We know that “process goals” like learning new skills, establishing consistency, and adapting to new challenges create the biggest improvements in wellbeing with the least amount of risk.
Choose Your Coach
3 ways to get moving
(and transform your movement experience)
PowerUP DIY Programs
Are independent and self-motivated
Want size-inclusive variations and autonomy to swap movements
Are ready to workout and just need a solid plan
Love super detailed instruction videos
✅ Program of your choice in the PowerUP Movement app, for the length of time of the program
✅ Group chat, where you can ask movement questions and connect with other folks
✅ Monthly workshops with Sarah to deep dive into movement and mindset concepts
There is a short onboarding phase, but the program starts the day you purchase it. Use it or lose it!
You can print out your workouts if using the app isn’t your thing
Each program is designed for a specific purpose and serves different needs. Read the descriptions carefully!
Programs vary in price, see the DIY page for details
PowerUP Custom Movement Support
Independent, but want some guidance from time to time
Looking for a specialized program created just for you!
Ready to dip your toes in to movement without feeling overwhelmed
✅ Customized program based on your intake form, accommodating your access to equipment, health history, personal preferences, and abilities.
✅ Movement assignments delivered via our app, with video + voiceover instruction for each movement created by Sarah, Christine, and Angel
✅ Unlimited text check-ins with your coach for support and encouragement
✅ Option to send in a video weekly for form check
Getting started with movement is hard, so we have educational modules with Sarah showing step-by-step instructions for creating value-based fitness goals and cultivating your own trauma-informed approach
We’ve had folks use our customized programs for over 2 years. If you love PowerUP, you won’t want to leave!
This is a month-to-month membership
$90/month, or email Morgan at admin@sarahempowers.com to set up pay-what-you-can pricing (limited availability, currently we have 2 spots open!)
PowerUP 1:1 Training
Recently recovered from physical injury or eating disorder, and nervous about starting structured movement.
Looking for frequent, consistent movement support as you navigate a tough season of life
Someone who has every intention of working out but gets distracted, and you want the extra accountability that an appointment offers
✅ 30 minute 1:1 training sessions with your coach to learn new movements, refine your technique, and chat about nerdy stuff while you get stronger
✅ 3, 6, or 9 sessions per month
✅ Final week of the month is “deload week” to allow you to rest + integrate what you’ve learned
This is the highest level of movement support, so you can expect to see faster changes in your body’s capacity as well as your mindset
1:1 training clients often stay with us for years!
You can always transition to another PowerUP option if the frequency becomes too intense or your needs change
1:1 training is a monthly membership with a 30 day cancellation policy
$200/month for 3 sessions
$325/month for 6 sessions
$450/month for 9 sessions (we only recommend this option if you already have a strength practice and are looking to increase your volume with support)
Click Here to Learn More About the PowerUP App
You’re ready to work with a professional who understands your struggle and genuinely cares about your wellbeing
You want to connect with your body instead of punishing it
You want to have more confidence and trust in your body
You want kind, firm coaching that will take your stress, sleep, ED history, chronic illness/pain, and cultural background into account
You don’t feel perfectly “ready” but you’re willing to give this your best effort
Your goals are primarily aesthetic - we coach strength, stamina, and mobility
You are looking for short-term results - we support your body with appropriate intensity and build your capacity over time
You want someone to yell at you, bootcamp-style. Not gonna happen!
You want a coach who leaves their lived experience and politics at the door - we’re people too and we care deeply about humanity
Current client are saying:
“My back didn’t hurt when I woke up this morning and I can’t remember the last time that happened.”
- R.B.
“I so appreciate how you create interesting workouts in spite of my limitations due to pain. I’m finally working out consistently without injuring myself!”
- H.L.
I moved my body because I forced myself for a long time…this past weekend I actually wanted to workout for the first time ever!”
- C.E.
“Today we went up and down stairs, and my hips never hurt or felt the strain like they would have before. I used to live on ibuprofen because everything hurt all the time. Now I don’t need to pop painkillers just to get through the day. I think of myself as strong and capable.”
- K.M.